A One Minute Meditation To Use Anytime and Anywhere

I love meditation. It is a nice time set apart to intentionally take a few deeps breaths and ground yourself. Although meditation is a nice practice you can include in your daily routine, you can also take meditation with you wherever you go. Today I'm going to share a one minute meditation you can use anytime, anywhere. Whenever you are feeling anxious, worried, stressed, or out of balance in any way, pause and do this quick meditation to get back to your true self.

First, you must notice. Notice you feel stressed, anxious, out of balance. Notice that you are in a space that you do not want to be. Acknowledge that you are out of balance. This is the first step to moving towards a more peaceful, centered space.

Next, set the intention to return to peace. To return to love. To return to presence. Say to yourself, "I now intend to return to peace."

If you can, place your hand on your heart or on your stomach. This connects your mind to your body. If you are in a situation where you cannot do this, simply become more aware of your heart and breath. Feel your heart beat and imagine it opening up to feelings of love. Feel your breath as it comes into your body and moves your stomach slightly. Connect with your body.

Take a deep breath. Be present in your breathing. Fill your lungs until they are comfortably full and release your breath slowly and comfortably. Make sure you are breathing slower and deeper than you normally would, but there is no need to go to extremes or feel uncomfortable at all.

Continue to take slow, deep, comfortable breaths for one minute. Allow your mind to let go of any thoughts. Right now just feel your breath. 

After one minute take a moment to express gratitude: for your breath, for your life, for this moment. 

As you come back to where you are and what you have to do, carry that slow breathing with you, carry the peace you felt. Allow it to find home in your body.


I hope this one minute meditation becomes second nature for you. I that you will use it often to reconnect to the present moment and to yourself. Practicing meditation can help you easily slip into this peaceful state whenever you need to. If you want to learn how to make your own amazing meditation practice, I invite you to join my on youtube for my Introduction to Meditation course. In this course you will learn how to create a positive and powerful meditation practice perfect for you.

Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)