Kindergarten Homeschool Math Curriculum | The Good & The Beautiful Math Review

I want to share my experience with the curriculum I am using for our Kindergarten Homeschool this year. Almost everything comes from The Good & The Beautiful. It is so easy to use, just open the curriculum and go from there. Almost all of what you need comes with the curriculum (this is especially true of the math curriculum). And it is all so well done. I love using the curriculum, so here is a peek into our Kindergarten Math Box.

To be transparent we did the Math K last year and this year we are doing Math Level 1. I loved last years curriculum and I am loving this years as well.

First you get two books that you can work through during the year. It has all the activities and all the guidance you need to successfully teach math to a 4/5/6 year old.

I love the way each lesson is laid out. You begin the day with a daily dose, this keeps some things the same every day. It is just a couple easy activities like writing the date, creating patterns, learning how to count or learning about different shapes. The daily dose is quick and easy but really builds the child's foundational math skills.

Then comes the lesson. The lessons have all been wonderful. They often include a variety of activities and ways to learn. It never feels like we are working on any one thing in one way too long, which keeps the lessons engaging. I love that the same thing is often taught in a good variety of ways, I feel like it really helps my child have a greater depth of understanding of the various concepts.

Then we move on to the student worksheet. Sometimes my daughter can do these on her own, sometimes she needs my help. The worksheet is often a great way to be able to judge if your child is grasping the concepts you are teaching. 

Finally there is a bonus independent activity for the child to do. These are often a lot of fun all while building math skills. I think it is a great way to end the lesson.

The math box comes with almost everything you need to have for the lessons. It is filled with fun ways to bring math to life and make it relevant for such young children. It is really high quality as well, so you can use everything for the duration of the year and beyond. 

When we first started math the lessons took a little bit longer as we were just starting out. After a few days/ weeks we really got into the groove and now we can work through each lesson is what I feel like is a good amount of time. If you are struggling to finish each lesson you could easily split the lessons in two and work through the book more slowly.

Honestly math has been one of my favorite parts of homeschool. I look forward to each lesson and I learn quite a bit as well as we do math together.

Would I recommend the Math Curriculum from The Good & The Beautiful? 100% YES! I love it. I think it is high quality. I think it is good and beautiful curriculum that amazingly incorporates lovely principles throughout the pages.

Do you have any further questions about the Math Curriculum from The Good & The Beautiful? Leave them below and I'd love to answer them!


Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram= (pinterest=