Homeschool Classroom Organization

My daughter decided she wanted to start homeschool next week. She let us know in advance that she was ready to begin. So I decided why not. I was going to give her one more week of summer, but I think we are all excited and ready to get into a routine. 

Since her announcement about homeschool I have been getting our homeschool classroom organized and ready. Now when I say homeschool classroom I mean our kitchen table and the corner next to it. It's not fancy, it's not separate from anything else. We will eat breakfast, clear the dishes, wipe down the table and start homeschool in the same place. It's going to work perfectly!

This week we did bring in a bookcase from our garage so we could put all of our curriculum and supplies right by the table in an organized fashion. I also brought lots of books to the bookshelf as well to make sure we have our own little library as part of our classroom. This week I went to the store to get brand new school supplies which is always exciting. 

I also printed out our homeschool schedule and a few pages that will help us through our homeschool routines. I have three pages where we will check off items that we need to accomplish throughout our homeschool days. I also have a list of affirmations and a list of songs. Each day (or each week) we will choose an affirmation to say and a song to sing. Since I want her to be involved in choosing I thought I would print out a list for her to choose from. 

Even before we started homeschool, we have started doing our morning routine chart. My daughter loves it, and thrives off of being able to see what she needs to do and checking it off when she gets it done. I think these charts are going to work really well for us. 

Our homeschool room is not from a magazine. Our homeschool routine is going to be beautiful and imperfect. I know some days of homeschool are a little rough. But I also know most days are wonderful. And overall it is such a neat experience to be able to teach (and learn from) kids. I love it. I am so excited about our little space, our set-up, and the great year ahead.

Are you choosing to homeschool this year? What are you most excited about?


Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram= (pinterest=