How far along: 40 Weeks!

Baby size: 19.6 inches and 6.8 lbs. The size of a Leek.

Maternity clothes: Wearing a loose, flowy dress or tee shirts with Daniel's basketball shorts are my preferred outfits right now. Real maternity clothes are almost too restrictive.

Sleep: Honestly, I am actually sleeping really well. It's been surprising but good!

Gender: A baby sister!

Best moment this week: Daniel took this whole week off work since he already had a few days off for the 4h of July. It has been so nice to have him home and watch him and Kennedy play and be best buds. The 4th was fun too, even though baby sister decided she didn't want to join us for it.

Looking forward to: Having this baby! I can't believe I made it to my due date!

What I miss: Moving with ease. Walking, sitting up, lying down, bending over. It all happens in slow motion right now.

Movement: The best! I am trying to soak in her little kicks and jabs. 

Food cravings: Ice from sonic... mmm.

Aversions: I really haven't had many this pregnancy.

Nursery: Everything is ready. And has been ready for a while. Just needs a little one to go along with it.

Overall: Week 38 was hard. I was so sure she would come early, then she didn't. At my 38 week 4 day appointment I was dilated to a 3-4 and 80% effaced. Again I was so sure she would come really soon. Then she didn't. My doctor wanted to induce me before he went out of town for the week and that was hard because I would have loved for him to deliver this baby, but I was not at all interested at getting induced, especially knowing my body knows how to go into labor. Still it was an emotional decision. By 39 weeks my doctor was gone, and I had decided not to get induced, I figured that my being dilated meant nothing since days had passed and no active labor/ giving birth had happened, and my expectations just went out the window. So I spent that week just being pregnant and being (mostly) at peace about it all. And it was a much better week. Since Daniel wasn't working we had great times as a family of three and just enjoyed all the little moments we had together. It was kind of special to have that time together as well, especially to focus on Kennedy, before she has to share our attention with another little human.

Miscellaneous: I am super thankful I have felt healthy and strong during this pregnancy. We still keep up with walks and I love going and working in the garden. I am thankful to be able to do all the things we want to do up until the end. And I am so thankful for a healthy little girl that is just growing and growing inside of me, getting all ready to come earth side. I can't wait to meet her and hold her and cuddle her and kiss her. 

This picture was taken at 12:07 a.m. on July 6th. On July 5th (my due date) I went into labor. This picture was taken between intense contraction about 10 minutes before we left to go to the hospital. I am excited to share baby sister's birth story.
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)