How far along: 38 Weeks!

Baby size: 19.6 inches and 6.8 lbs. The size of a Leek.

Maternity clothes: Currently wearing Daniel's basketball shorts and one of his shirts and it feels so much better than I expected. Maternity clothes are feeling pretty tight these days. Hopefully I won't need them much longer.

Sleep: Seeing as how I am writing this at 3:30 in the morning some nights are a miss. But luckily I have had a few really great nights of sleep lately too. And for that I am so so thankful.

Gender: Another little girl!

Best moment this week: This may seem silly but I had an eye doctor appointment yesterday and it was kind of the last thing I had on the calendar to do before baby arrives. After leaving I just felt a weight lifted, like I am completely free from any obligations from here on out, so truly baby can come anytime and I won't miss anything. Now I am just hoping she gets the message that we are 100% ready for her.

Looking forward to: Meeting the little one and seeing how Kennedy reacts. Also looking forward to knowing how it all goes down. When will she come? Will it be morning, evening, middle of the night? Will labor be fast or slow? Like last time or different? The anticipation is real over here.

What I miss: So I am not really sure what is happening, but I think baby girl is just in the right position where every once in a while she is right on some nerves and it sends jolts of pain down my legs. And it has been the worst. I am crossing my fingers that she has moved a bit because it wasn't quite as bad yesterday and has actually been okay during the night, but I really miss not experiencing that ever because.... ouch.

Movement: I love feeling her move still, even though the big ones are crazy. There is not much space in there obviously so a big kick can completely shift and change my belly in weird and wild ways. So glad she is active.

Food cravings: This isn't really a craving, but I have had moments of ravenous hunger come out of nowhere lately. I mean sometimes I am hardly hungry at all and I pretty much just eat my three meals a day, but on occasion over the last two weeks I have all the sudden just been starving and I basically eat an extra meal. Not sure why that happens.

Aversions: Maybe bread. Especially at night. I notice if we have bread at night or if I have a piece of toast before bed or something, I get really bad heartburn, but if not I haven't really had it. So I don't really have an aversion to bread, but I definitely never appreciate the heartburn so it's best to just avoid it, at least in the evening. 

Nursery: We have worked really hard over the past two weeks cleaning our house and organizing it. It feels so good and there is a lot more space. Last night I was just standing in our clean house and thinking, we are really ready.

Overall: Overall I am feeling good. If you catch me when I am in pain or super tired, well it's the worst. But for the most part I am so so good. I have been able to keep doing all the things I want like go on long walks. We are feeling prepared to welcome this baby into our home. Overall, all is well.

Miscellaneous: Last night Daniel and I were talking about how we have been doing all the things to get ready for baby and we feel like we are, and we know that it is definitely in the realm of possibility that she could come any moment now, and how it is still hard to really comprehend that we will be a family of four. It is just hard to grasp what that will really mean or look like. We also talked about how we have been a family of three a lot longer than we were a family of two. And that is just kind of wild too. But we are so excited for this new addition and how it will change our lives for the better. Can't wait to meet you baby girl! Please take after your sister and come soon :)

Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)