How far along: 36 Weeks!

Baby size: 18.6 inches and 5.8 lbs. The size of a Honeydew Melon.

Maternity clothes: Everything is too small lately. Even my real maternity clothes. I like when my shirts are long, and they all ride up too much for my liking right now.  Plus it is hard for me to really invest in maternity clothes when I know that in a few weeks I won't need them anymore. So you might see me in repeat outfits now.

Sleep: Not my best. I am taking lots of naps because it has been pretty hard for me to sleep at night. My legs have felt really restless lately so it is so challenging to fall asleep, even if I am exhausted. Then I wake up for bathroom breaks. And I really need to work on not having things on my mind. I'm hoping this baby sleeps much better than Kennedy, but if not these last weeks of pregnancy sure prepare you for multiple nightly wake up calls.

Gender: I am over the moon excited it is a little girl!

Best moment this week: We went to do a hospital tour because we are way more prepared/ on top of things for this baby to arrive than we ever were with Kennedy. Also with Kennedy we had appointments at the hospital we delivered at, and I have never been to the hospital we are going to deliver this baby. So we decided we should know where we are going. Anyway we had the tour and it literally made everything so much more real and exciting. It took me right back to Kennedy's birth and remembering just how special it is to bring a child earth side. It was so fun to talk about and imagine us all meeting this little girl. I loved it.

Looking forward to: The day baby girl arrives in our world. I am so excited to meet her. It has been a long road to get her here and now we are so close. 

What I miss: Not having heartburn. And other pregnancy symptoms. This too shall pass. 

Movement: She still hiccups all the times. Sometimes multiple times a day. I seriously can't believe it. Other than that there is not much room so my belly takes on some crazy shapes when she decides she wants to move around. I love feeling the movement though. It is a beautiful reminder that she is there and she is real.

Food cravings: I told Daniel today that I am really just done making dinner. Do we really require three meals a day? I drink a smoothie every morning and those have been tasty and easy. Other than that I'm kind of wishing we could just take a break from the whole food thing. Or go get Jamba Juice açaí bowls every night. Also ice. I think it's probably because of the heartburn.

Aversions: Making dinner. My only aversions this pregnancy has been really salty stuff like pickles. Other than that I am pretty open.

Nursery: This week we got a garage at our apartment complex to take some stuff over to for storage. We spent Saturday taking over a few boxes and a bookshelf. Mostly we are just trying to minimize the things we don't use very often and open up some more space so that when we get babies stuff out it has somewhere to go. It has actually been really nice.

Overall: I am just so excited, a little nervous, and mostly ready for this baby to come. I either feel great and have tons of energy and drive to get all the things done, or I feel like a nice long nap followed by a warm bath, and potentially another nap. Life is good. This summer has been great and is just getting better and better. Can't wait to share it with the littlest member of our family.

Miscellaneous: When I told people I was due July 5th the first thing everyone assumes is that I will automatically have a 4th of July baby. And then they say get ready for a long hot pregnant summer. Well folks , it's a third of the way through June and we had to go cover our sensitive plants at the garden for the last three nights so they wouldn't freeze! It is wild. It has been really nice to not have it be too hot, and if everything goes according to my plans, I won't have a long hot pregnant summer. But please let it not freeze again until fall. It's a lot of work covering plants.

Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)