We got some new pictures of baby girl at our ultrasound this week. I typically have not loved these type of ultrasounds, but I really like this one. I think the picture of the picture doesn't do it justice. The baby had her feet up by her head so it was hard to see her face, but the ultrasound tech got past the legs just enough to get a picture of her sweet face. Right in the middle is her nose. Below you can see her lips. And above you can see one eye. Every time I look at this picture I am excited, I feel like it gave me a glimpse of how she will look.

How far along: 26 Weeks!

Baby size: 14 in and 1.7 lb. The size of a Coconut.

Maternity clothes: They could be better. I got some jeans and they are fine, but they are just not great. I look forward to the summer, I'm thinking I will wear lots of dresses!

Stretch marks: Nope. Why do I even answer this question?

Sleep: It's pretty good. Still a little hit and miss. I either sleep great, or wake up and spend hours wondering if I will fall back asleep anytime soon.

Gender: A little lady! We got a second look at the ultrasound and the tech more confidently said it was definitely a girl!

Best moment this week: Being able to see the baby again on an ultrasound yesterday. It seems odd to say, but I feel like I noticed how she has grown, and I am so thankful she has. We had the ultrasound because she was in the 18th percentile at the anatomy ultrasound. My doctor just wanted to make sure she stayed on the curve for growth. Yesterday she measured in the 21st percentile. So it seems like she is just a little lady. 

Looking forward to: Spring days. Being outside and in the sunshine has done wonders for me. I just feel better, more energetic, more alive. So thankful that the rest of this pregnancy will have lots of sunshine and time outside.

What I miss: Not too much to be honest. I feel like I have been feeling better lately, both mentally and physically. I think the nice days and sunshine has helped a lot. It has been nice being pregnant for the last few weeks. I remember what I loved about it the first time around, it is just kind of a miracle. I will hold onto that as long as I can!

Movement: I finally got to see movement. I have kind of been waiting for that to happen, and this last week I definitely saw a jab. Kind of strange, kind of fun!

Food cravings: No super cravings. I still love love love Thai food. Also I went out to dinner with my parents this week and got a roasted beet and arugula salad and it was so so delicious. Although I don't have any strong cravings, I do love when I get to go out to dinner, it is so nice to not have to cook!

Aversions: Pickles. Aren't pregnant women suppose to crave pickles? We have had black bean burgers a few times recently, and I want to want pickles on them, but I just can't bring myself to eat them. I think it must be in my mind, since it was an early pregnancy aversion of mine.

Nursery: I went through our baby things yesterday and washed covers, baby carriers, and a few other baby things. I feel like I have a grasp on everything we have, and it is getting ready to go. The rock and play is currently sitting in the corner of Kennedy's room. Will that be our nursery?

Overall: Things are really good right now. I am feeling like this baby will be here before we know it. Even though it still seems like it is pretty far away, when I sit down to think about it I realize just how close we are coming to the arrival. I'm so excited!

Miscellaneous: I'm am in serious nesting mode. I guess it is good while I still have lots of energy and not a huge belly. It has felt so good to go through baby stuff, and lots of stuff in our home and organize and get rid of it. I feel more prepared for the arrival of this little one and it makes me super excited that it is just a few months away!

Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)