How far along: 30 Weeks!

Baby size:  15.7 inches and 2.9lbs - The size of a Cabbage. Seriously can this be right? Kennedy was 19.5 inches and 6 lbs at birth. Just a few more inches to grow up and a few more pounds. Wild. 

Maternity clothes: I really don't like wearing maternity clothes, so I wear a lot of tee shirts that I have, but I am wondering when that won't work anymore.

Sleep: We have had some really busy days since it is warm outside. We love working in the garden, taking walks, going to the park. I feel like being outside in the sunshine and getting a little more exercise has helped me to sleep better.

Gender: GIRL!

Best moment this week: She had a bit of time where she wasn't quite as active, or at least I didn't notice it so much. But this last week she has been really active again and I love it.

Looking forward to: Our anniversary trip. The fact that May is going to be here and that might just be the last full month of pregnancy. Warm days in the garden. Life is good.

What I miss: I've been having a little bit of back pain this week. I have been on my feet a lot more and I can feel it. Hopefully my back will get stronger.

Movement: Yes. It is probably my favorite part of being pregnant. It is so cool to feel so much movement and just know there is a little girl in there.

Food cravings: Fresh things. Things that are light. Salads. Fruit. And chocolate, just to keep things balanced I guess.

Aversions: Nothing too specific.

Nursery: No nursery. It's all good right?

Overall: Sometimes it feels like I have a long ways left until this baby girl will come, other days it feels just around the corner. I am excited for her to join our family and be in our lives, I am sure these next two months will go by fast, at least in hindsight.

Miscellaneous: We enjoyed Easter this last week. Spring is upon us and we are planting seeds and watching them sprout. I really love this time of year and the new life it brings.

Mallory Hazel


How far along: 28 Weeks!

Baby size:  14.8 in and 2.2 lbs. The size of a Large Eggplant.

Maternity clothes: Pajamas are maternity clothes right? I probably shouldn't have any visitors anytime after dinner, because if I am home, I am most likely in pajamas.

Sleep: I have had a few nights where I have slept peacefully through the night, then I also had a night I slept maybe 2-3 hours. Luckily that is more of the exception. I am thankful when I get a good sleep.

Gender: A beautiful baby girl.

Best moment this week: I ordered a little gift for Kennedy and the baby this week. I haven't really ordered any new things for this baby yet. One reason is because we really don't need anything. It was kind of fun to get something though. It made it feel not only more real, but also like this baby will be here soon. So far this year has flown by, and we only have a few months until it is baby time. It was fun to realize that we really are getting close.

Looking forward to: Easter and our 7 year anniversary. These next two weekends in April will be fun and probably make the rest of April fly by. 

What I miss: Sitting up in bed without having to make it a full body experience. I feel like I have to mentally prepare and the physically execute a perfect movement to go from lying down to sitting up these days. Also flopping back into bed, I miss that too. All this happens in the middle of the night when I need to go to the bathroom. So maybe I also miss not needing to go to the bathroom every single night. Oh well, it's all worth it.

Movement: Yes. Sometimes huge movements. Kennedy came over to me this week to feel the baby move and even she was surprised with some big movements. I love it.

Food cravings: I haven't really had cravings. Some foods sound delicious, but isn't that like all of life, sometimes some things just sound good. Right now I love love love eating asparagus though. Like I could probably have it every night with dinner. Although we don't have it every night, we do eat it frequently and it is the best.

Aversions: I haven't really had any aversions either. I am pretty much game for eating whatever. 

Nursery: This week I got a little package in the mail, a gift for baby and Kennedy when the baby gets here. It am so excited about it. But the order came with two free prints to hang up and they are pretty cute too. How long does it take to build a house? I am thinking we need a real nursery that I can decorate soon!

Overall: I'm feeling good. I am experiencing a lot of Braxton Hick contractions, which I don't really think I experienced at all with Kennedy (or maybe I just didn't realize what they were). Other than that I feel really good most of the time and am just excited about this summer and spending it with Daniel and our two girls! 

Miscellaneous: We are going to be gardeners again this year, which I am thrilled about. Right now we are sprouting some seeds in our house. Also my mom brought us some beautiful daffodils and those are in full bloom. I love plants so much and it has been fun to have some life in our house and watch it sprout, grow, and bloom.

Mallory Hazel


BREAKFAST | Our good morning meal this morning was half of a honeydew melon and a piece of toast for me. Daniel and Kennedy shared a smoothie. I am so excited to see melons and summer fruits in the stores these days. The melon was not quite summer delicious yet, but we have still had some pretty good ones and it makes me so excited for the days ahead.

LUNCH | Today for lunch I made a summer quinoa salad. Quinoa with craisins, mango, edamame, coconut, almonds, and a pineapple coconut dressing. It is light and delicious.

DINNER | The Penguins are currently playing for a chance at the Stanley Cup. Daniel loves the penguins, so we try to catch a game here and there. On this day we took our dinner over to our apartment complex clubhouse so we could watch the game too. When there is a sporting event we are actually interested in, I love to make the black bean burgers from the How Not To Die Cookbook. They are hands down the best black bean burgers we have ever had. We always serve them with a side of sweet potato fries, and now that is is summer, a side a fruit, tonight we had cantaloupe. One of our very favorite meals.

It feels like we are moving into summer. We are enjoying more fruit now and are excited for it to become more and more delicious as it fully gets into season. Life is good.

Are you interested in adding more WFPB meals into your rotation. Maybe you want to go 100% WFPB or maybe you already are. Check out my cookbook, Earth Fed Family, for 44 WFPBNO and Vegan recipes. It includes all of our family's favorite meals to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. Thanks for your support! I wish you the best in health and happiness as you incorporate more plant foods into your diet!

Mallory Hazel


When March came around I decided I wanted to practice having an abundance mindset. As I continue to study the practice of meditation and connecting to my inner being, the theme that everyone can enjoy abundance comes up again and again. I love it and believe it, but struggle with some of my own personal thoughts of lack or scarcity. It was nice and also stretched me to say affirmations and visualize things that I want in my life, but do not necessarily currently exist, or at least in the way I want them too. I am glad I stretched myself though, and I can feel the difference in my thought process on a daily basis as a result.

One of the cool things I have noticed in my life, that I feel like is connected to practicing meditation every day, is that I find that I laugh a lot more. Like deep, joyful happy laughs. It just feels easier to let myself experience joy in that way. 


MANTRA MEDITATION | I love and accept you Mallory.

LOVE | I am loved by my Heavenly Father. I love and approve of myself exactly as I am. I choose to see everyone and everything with joy and love.
HEALTH | I am thankful for my healthy body. I am in perfect health.
ENERGY | I recognize my body as a wondrous and magnificent machine, and I feel privileged to live in it. I have lots of energy.
PROSPERITY | I am totally open to the abundant flow of prosperity that the Universe has to offer.
SUCCESS | Every experience is a success. I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams.

VISUALIZATION | I experience, see, and feel an...
Open. Flow. Receive.

SCRIPTURES | I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matt. 6:33
Mallory Hazel


We got some new pictures of baby girl at our ultrasound this week. I typically have not loved these type of ultrasounds, but I really like this one. I think the picture of the picture doesn't do it justice. The baby had her feet up by her head so it was hard to see her face, but the ultrasound tech got past the legs just enough to get a picture of her sweet face. Right in the middle is her nose. Below you can see her lips. And above you can see one eye. Every time I look at this picture I am excited, I feel like it gave me a glimpse of how she will look.

How far along: 26 Weeks!

Baby size: 14 in and 1.7 lb. The size of a Coconut.

Maternity clothes: They could be better. I got some jeans and they are fine, but they are just not great. I look forward to the summer, I'm thinking I will wear lots of dresses!

Stretch marks: Nope. Why do I even answer this question?

Sleep: It's pretty good. Still a little hit and miss. I either sleep great, or wake up and spend hours wondering if I will fall back asleep anytime soon.

Gender: A little lady! We got a second look at the ultrasound and the tech more confidently said it was definitely a girl!

Best moment this week: Being able to see the baby again on an ultrasound yesterday. It seems odd to say, but I feel like I noticed how she has grown, and I am so thankful she has. We had the ultrasound because she was in the 18th percentile at the anatomy ultrasound. My doctor just wanted to make sure she stayed on the curve for growth. Yesterday she measured in the 21st percentile. So it seems like she is just a little lady. 

Looking forward to: Spring days. Being outside and in the sunshine has done wonders for me. I just feel better, more energetic, more alive. So thankful that the rest of this pregnancy will have lots of sunshine and time outside.

What I miss: Not too much to be honest. I feel like I have been feeling better lately, both mentally and physically. I think the nice days and sunshine has helped a lot. It has been nice being pregnant for the last few weeks. I remember what I loved about it the first time around, it is just kind of a miracle. I will hold onto that as long as I can!

Movement: I finally got to see movement. I have kind of been waiting for that to happen, and this last week I definitely saw a jab. Kind of strange, kind of fun!

Food cravings: No super cravings. I still love love love Thai food. Also I went out to dinner with my parents this week and got a roasted beet and arugula salad and it was so so delicious. Although I don't have any strong cravings, I do love when I get to go out to dinner, it is so nice to not have to cook!

Aversions: Pickles. Aren't pregnant women suppose to crave pickles? We have had black bean burgers a few times recently, and I want to want pickles on them, but I just can't bring myself to eat them. I think it must be in my mind, since it was an early pregnancy aversion of mine.

Nursery: I went through our baby things yesterday and washed covers, baby carriers, and a few other baby things. I feel like I have a grasp on everything we have, and it is getting ready to go. The rock and play is currently sitting in the corner of Kennedy's room. Will that be our nursery?

Overall: Things are really good right now. I am feeling like this baby will be here before we know it. Even though it still seems like it is pretty far away, when I sit down to think about it I realize just how close we are coming to the arrival. I'm so excited!

Miscellaneous: I'm am in serious nesting mode. I guess it is good while I still have lots of energy and not a huge belly. It has felt so good to go through baby stuff, and lots of stuff in our home and organize and get rid of it. I feel more prepared for the arrival of this little one and it makes me super excited that it is just a few months away!

Mallory Hazel
[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)