How far along: 22 Weeks!

Baby size: 10.9 in. 15.2 oz the size of a papaya (but hopefully not the huge papaya I had for breakfast this morning...)

Maternity clothes: I'm pretty much set for the colder months with long sleeves, but now that spring is right around the corner we will see if I need anything else as it starts to warm up.

Stretch marks: Nope, my skin is actually feeling pretty good right now.

Sleep: This last week has been horrible for sleep. I was so so excited to find out the gender of our baby I hardly slept that night, then we spent the weekend in Boise with lots of late nights. It's all worth it though.

Gender: It's a GIRL! We are thrilled.

Best moment this week: Finding out the gender. It was just one of those days where life continued normally for everyone else, but for us we were celebrating the excitement of knowing this baby is a little girl and sharing it with others.

Looking forward to: Spring. We got a taste of it this weekend and it felt so good. I can't wait for the sunshine and the walks outside. I can't wait to plant our garden and get food from the farmers market. It's so exciting!

What I miss: Being able to roll over in bed in a normal way. Or just getting up from laying down or sitting in a normal manner. My abdominal muscles are pretty weak so I have to use my arms and it is awkward and uncomfortable. 

Movement: Yes I love it. My mom got to feel the baby move this week. It's pretty pronounced at times now and it brings me so much joy.

Food cravings: Since it was my birthday and we celebrated knowing the babies gender plus we were out of town this weekend, we have been eating out a lot. My body is craving very simple, light meals right now.

Aversions: I had Indian food this week, and a few really garlicky meals while eating out, plus some Mexican things and it was all super spicy. I think my body needs a break from really spicy meals right now, even though they were all delicious.

Nursery: It's a girl. Which means we already have almost everything we need for this little one. I'm so excited to get down Kennedy's baby stuff and go through it. I'm also really excited to get a few new things.

Overall: It has been such a great week. It's been exciting and there have been so many fun things going on for us. I think finding out the gender, my birthday, and the weekend getaway were just what we needed.

Miscellaneous: My dad coaches high school boys basketball and his team made it to state this year. Not only did they make it but they won the championship. While watching all the games baby girl was kicking in my belly, Kennedy was cheering on my lap, and Daniel was cheering right alongside me. Plus being with my mom and brother and watching them cheer, and seeing my dad win. I felt over and over again just how blessed I am with the people surrounding me, with my family. I feel so blessed.

Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)