Making | Plans for a trip to Boise this coming weekend. I'm excited to have a little weekend away.
Cooking | A lot more simple meals for dinner and realizing I have been making big meals almost every night. It's been kind of nice to just have things like pasta with sauce and steamed broccoli, or potatoes with beans and a vegetable side. It feels so simple, yet Kennedy tends to eat those meals better, and Daniel and I are both okay with it. It feels like a big aha moment for me.
Drinking | Fruit-infused water with Kennedy. We choose a few things to put in our water at night (berries, kiwi, oranges, herbs) and let it soak overnight. It is delicious in the morning.
Reading | The final Harry Potter. I loved book six and seven is amazing too. It's been so much fun to read the series again.
Wanting | The next 24 hours to go fast! I'm so excited for our anatomy ultrasound.
Listening | To The Lively Show and Brooke Snow Podcast. Probably my two favorite podcasts, and really the only ones I listen to on a regular basis, and basically love every episode.
Wasting | Brain power worrying about things I know I don't need to worry about.
Wishing | For warmer weather.
Dreaming | Of what this summer will bring.
Enjoying | Doing puzzles with Kennedy. She is getting so good at them.
Waiting | On good things to come.
Liking | These last moments of not knowing if it is a boy or a girl. It's kind of fun.
Wondering | Boy or girl. I just don't know. I have zero impressions about it.
Loving | Our new bedtime routine with Kennedy. Scriptures, Songs, Prayers, Stories, Yoga + Meditation, Stories for Her, and Disney Music to Fall Asleep. It's worked out really well.
Hoping | The bedtime routine will continue to be successful.
Marveling | At every kick and wiggle.
Needing | Spring.
Wearing | Anything cozy and warm.
Noticing | How grown up Kennedy is.
Knowing | Kennedy will be an amazing big sister. I love seeing her love for this baby and her excitement about it joining our family.
Thinking | Way too much. Since practicing meditation I am so much more aware of how our minds are constantly going, and see it in myself so much more. 
Feeling | Generally more peaceful about this pregnancy than my first.
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram= (pinterest=