I have no idea how my hand got placed up over my heart instead of at the top of my belly. Ha.

How far along: 20 Weeks! Half Way!

Baby size: 10 inches and 10.6 ounces. The size of a banana.

Maternity clothes: For Valentine's Day Daniel got me the cutest maternity "mama" shirt. I feel like I am much more well stocked with maternity clothes this time around than I was with Kennedy. 

Stretch marks: No signs of any. My belly is stretching though!

Sleep: Some nights I sleep pretty well, other nights I wake up around 3 or 4 and just lie awake for a few hours (or read Harry Potter). It seems pretty random to me. I need to work on not running away with my thoughts in the middle of the night, since that is what keeps me up.
Also for the first time the other night I had some serious leg cramps that woke me up. It seems a little early for those, but since they came on fast and strong the other night Daniel will probably be helping me stretch out my calves for the next 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Gender: We find out a week from tomorrow. I am excited!

Best moment this week: Daniel and Kennedy both got to feel the baby move. I loved sharing it with them.

Looking forward to: Our anatomy ultrasound in one week and knowing the gender of this baby. It's just so much nicer when we can refer to the baby as he or she instead of it.

What I miss: My stomach has just felt so stretched out the last few days. I miss not feeling so stretched, but this is just the beginning.

Movement: Yeah. The baby is most active (or rather I notice the activity most often) at night when I am laying down or sitting around. The little kicks and wiggles are getting more pronounced. It is so incredible.

Food cravings: Honestly I just don't feel that hungry much. I love Thai food and Papayas obviously. I also love a good smoothie and have been into making juice the last fews weeks and that has tasted good. Anything that is not heavy sounds pretty good to me right about now.

Aversions: No aversions really, just adjusting to the amount of food I can eat at any given time. Sometimes I have eaten a normal meal and just feel so full after it, it can be uncomfortable.

Nursery: I'm so excited to find out if it's a boy or girl so we can start thinking about the nursery, or at least start compiling a few things for the baby to make it feel like decorating a nursery. If it's a girl I'm excited to get down Kennedy's old things and go through them. So far the nursery will still be some random corner in our apartment.

Overall: I'm feeling good. I can't believe we are half way. In some ways it feels like it has been a long time, and when I think about how long we tried to have this baby it has been quite a long road. But the actual pregnancy part has really flown by for me, and I'm pretty thankful for that.

Miscellaneous: We had a great week this week, with Valentine's Day and a three day weekend. I feel like we have some things in the near future to look forward to, and I'm hoping the temperatures decide to start going up since we are almost done with February. I think the next 20 weeks are going to go much faster than the first 20 weeks!

Kennedy | 20 Weeks
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)