How far along: 14 Weeks. 

Baby size: 3.4 in & 1.5 oz. The size of a large lemon.

Maternity clothes: Not yet, but I have used the hair elastic trick for one pair of jeans I have.

Stretch marks: No. Can I hope I won't get them since I didn't get them with Kennedy? Crossing my fingers.

Sleep: I have been getting up in the middle of the night a lot to go to the bathroom. That has been pretty disruptive to my sleep. For a while there I was getting tons of sleep at night and taking multiple naps during the day. This pregnancy has sure left me feeling exhausted.

Gender: We don't know yet, but so far this pregnancy has been quite a bit different than my first one. Does that mean it's a boy? Or is it just the fact that I am 5 years older and my life and body are pretty different these days. Or maybe it is the fact that I have a four year old that keeps me on my toes and I can't just take a nap at will.

Best moment this week: This whole pregnancy has been so fun to have Kennedy give my belly kisses all the time. It has been so sweet.

Looking forward to: I am really anticipating knowing the gender. For a while we thought we would wait to find out, but then we waited for nearly 3 years to get pregnant and I just don't want to wait anymore. Super excited to find out if we will have a boy or a girl.

What I miss: I miss not feeling nauseous and having energy. I feel so nauseous at night, pretty much every night and it has just been yucky. Also I feel so low energy, wishing I had some of Kennedy's.

Movement: I don't feel any movement, but in the morning when I am laying down and my bladder is full I can feel my little bump popping out. It is one of my favorite things. Good morning baby.

Food cravings: I wouldn't say I have any food cravings, but two things that have been consistently good are green apples with lemon juice on them and grapefruit. They never fail.

Aversions: Ugh all the things. But lets not talk about the coconut ramen curry I had early on in my pregnancy, I literally can't even think about it.

Nursery: Well seeing as how we live in a two bedroom apartment where one bedroom is a office/ bedroom and the other bedroom belongs to our four year old... I don't think this little one will come home to a nursery in the same way that Kennedy did.

Overall: Overall this pregnancy has been pretty hard. I don't feel great, I'm so tired, I've been kind of grouchy. For a while there Daniel was making all the meals and watching Kennedy whenever he could so I could nap. It was really rough. I am starting to see the light, but I wish I could just get back to feeling more normal. Oh well, I'm thrilled to be pregnant and to have another go at bringing another baby into our home.

Miscellaneous: I don't really know. It feels like a long time since we found out I am pregnant, but I also can't believe I am 14 weeks. Time is just crazy.

14 Weeks with Kennedy
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)