38 Weeks!

How far along: 38 Weeks
Baby size: 19-22 inches long, 6.5 lbs (about the size of a Watermelon)
Maternity clothes: I am pretty much living in Daniels shorts when we are home and only dress up if I have to go out. It is hot and I am slightly uncomfortable so the shorts are the best. 
Stretch marks: None that I can see, hooray!
Sleep: I have had a bad cough the past couple of nights which has been horrible for me and bad for Daniel as well. Most nights I get up and go to the bathroom only to come back to bed and cough for a half an hour. Then I go to baby girls room to read until I get really sleepy. Then I come back to bed and hopefully sleep the rest of the night. Daniel is usually awake during most if not all of this. I apologize to him in the morning though because I just feel so bad.
Gender: Girl!
Best moment this week: Ordering last minute baby needs and getting tons of packages! I feel like we finally have all the basics and more.
Looking forward to: Seeing what happens over the next two weeks. I feel lots of anticipation now because I am so close to the end and any day could be the day, but I also feel totally relaxed that I still haven't done everything on my "to do list before baby comes" because I am not expecting anything crazy to happen anytime soon.
What I miss: Laying on my tummy. I don't sleep on my stomach or anything but I guess I use to flop down on the bed on my stomach because I really miss that. I look forward to going to the bedroom when I am exhausted and just flopping on the bed instead of doing a nice and easy awkward roll.
Movement: It seems good. I can definitely feel more defined arms, legs, feet when she pushes out on my stomach which I think is so cool. 
Food cravings: Fruit, pancakes, water.
Aversions: Nothing really. Sometimes things just don't taste good. I go between being starving and eating tons to having no appetite. It is kind of weird.
Nursery: It's got a lot of stuff in it and really just needs to be organized someday. It is pretty much done though and I really love it!
Overall: I feel pretty good overall. Some days I am tired and lazy. Other days I have lots of energy and I seem to be able to get a lot done. I still can't really believe that baby will be here soon. It is just unreal to me. Daniel is ready for baby to get here. I am too. 
Miscellaneous: The doctor says baby girl's head is really low. I feel like everything is just normal which is great. Here's an updated picture of me at 38 weeks!
Mallory Hazel

Showered From Afar

These past two weeks have been really fun in the mail department. Not only did we order every last minute thing we needed from amazon but we have been showered from afar with gifts for baby girl! One day we had five packages come throughout the day. It has been lots of fun opening all the packages and I feel like we finally have the basics covered.
My cousin Maddie sent a "baby shower in a box" package that we received on Tuesday. It was a complete baby shower with decor, a baby shower game, treat toppers, and a sweet gift. Daniel and I took a little break in the middle of the day and put up the decor, played the game, and opened the gift.
The game was fun, 7 baby items where we guessed the price and whoever got closest to the actual price won. Daniel was 29 cents below the actual price. I was off by like 6 dollars, I guess Daniel has a better handle about how much baby stuff costs than I do. He was pretty proud of his good work.
He was thrilled with the hair tie prize as well :)
We have also received the cutest clothes and baby girl stuff from siblings, parents and grandparents. We have loved opening all the boxes and pulling out the cutest stuff. Every little outfit makes me more excited for a baby girl to wear them!
I love the colors of these sweet onesies! They are perfect!
These little sleepers are so cute and so soft. I want one in my size!
Baby girl dresses are so so fun! She is going to have a better wardrobe than me!
I feel so thankful for the love we have received from afar. 
Mallory Hazel
[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)