Mount Vernon

I wanted to get caught up on some of the fun things we did in Maryland this summer. I guess I am starting with one of my favorite weekends, I really should build up to it. Oh well here is the story of our day trip to Mount Vernon. We went to Mount Vernon on June 7th, 2014. I was 25 weeks pregnant and it was a warm day. Luckily we got there early in the morning and walked a lot of the grounds before the real heat kicked in. We went straight to our tour of the house first.
We got to walk through all of the rooms and see the beautiful view of the river from the back porch.
It was very neat to be in George Washington's home and hear various stories about the different rooms. It is amazing that you are hearing stories of things that happened right where you are standing. After we toured the house we were able to walk around the grounds. We looked in the servants cabins, the stables, walked down to George and Martha's tomb, went down to the harbor, saw some farmland with more stables and more servants cabins. We walked a trail through some of the forest land and saw some of the animals grazing in the fields. We made it back just in time to participate in a garden tour. It was fun to hear how Martha took care of her gardens and how they had to garden and store their food for the winter so they could have food in the winter. By the time of the tour the heat had kicked in and I spent as much time as I could in the shade or sitting. By the end we were both in need of a little break so we headed to our car to have a delicious meal of PB and J's, grapes, and pomegranate chocolates. We headed back and spent the rest of the time in the buildings and museums watching movies about George Washington and walking through the different exhibits. It was very interesting to learn more about his life. It really was a great day and even though we were exhausted and hot by the end it was definitely worth it. It made me think that it wouldn't be so bad living on the east coast for a while if I got to be so close to such amazing historical sights.
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram= (pinterest=