Awkward Doctor

I think we have all experienced or will all experience a time in our lives where we will have to make a trip to the doctors office and things will get a little personal with a person we have never met. It's just the nature of the patient doctor relationship, and being pregnant allows for a lot of personal. So really it is best to avoid the awkward doctor when you can. I have been to three different doctors with this pregnancy because we have had to be a little flexible with when we could make it, especially this summer. There is one doctor I really love, she is actually a nurse practitioner (I think). She is super down to earth, great at answering questions, and just makes you feel comfortable about your health and the health of your baby. (Side note: it is just always nice when they tell you test results and follow it up with, that's good, or that's normal, or perfect, since I don't always know what the numbers or results mean). So she is great, but she has also taken a lovely extended summer vacation meaning I had to visit someone else while she was gone.
So this summer I have had the pleasure of visiting two awkward doctors. I have come to learn that awkward is not necessarily bad but it can be. So here is my experience with the awkward doctors.
The first awkward doctor I have only seen one time. It was at my 31 week appointment which had become pretty standard procedure. The ladies do all of the tests and ask about how I am feeling and the doctor comes in, looks at my chart on the computer, and asks if I had any questions. I usually don't have too many questions but I was kind of wondering what the nature of our appointments would be during these last nine weeks of pregnancy. I guess he really didn't understand my question or wasn't listening because he just told me I would come in two weeks, which I already knew. I must have had a look on my face because after he told me that he was like "Is that what you asked?" I was like umm no, I was just wondering what would be happening at the appointments in the future. So he told me the next few appointments would be the same and at 36 weeks they would start doing internal exams. After that brief summary he said, and I quote "so you better shave your legs so you won't be too embarrassed." And that was that. End of conversation. Awkward long pause and I headed out. A couple of hours later I asked Daniel if he really said that or if I was just making it up in my mind. Daniel confirmed that those were his words and we decided that since they were not helpful in understanding what was coming and they made me feel awkward that we would be sure to schedule with another doctor, especially once those internal exams started happening.
So bring in awkward doctor number two. He is just a genuine old guy that we have seen three times throughout the pregnancy. He is really knowledgeable and likes to have random side conversations with us about random things. I went to him at 33 weeks along and decided that we would ask him the what to expect for the rest of the appointments during pregnancy question. He was thorough in his explanation and made me feel confident and comfortable about knowing what was ahead. He had his awkward moments too though, like telling me I had nice ankles for this season and time of pregnancy. But it was really more funny and relaxed and I am thankful the doctor confirmed that my ankles were still nice since I often ask Daniel if he thinks they are swelling because I feel like they are, haha.
So there you go. You never know what you are going to get when you go to the doctor but I feel lucky that my experience so far has been with great people and that I have only come across the occasional dilemma with the staff.
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram= (pinterest=