Happy 4th!

This past weekend we decided kind of last minute to head home for the Fourth of July. Daniel had Friday off and a couple of hours on Thursday off and so we thought it would be fun to spend the weekend at home and see what Pittsburgh had to offer on the Fourth. We didn't really have any plans but to see the fireworks. After dinner we drove downtown and spent a good 20-30 minutes trying to find a parking spot. Everything seemed full or was way overpriced and I was not interested in walking a million miles or paying a million dollars. We were heading back home and thinking about taking the bus down when Daniel happened upon a garage that was cheap and seemed like it could be okay. It was perfect. It was right next to the light rail and everywhere we needed to go was in the free zone so we hopped on and headed to the North Shore. When we got there we stopped to watch a little speedboat racing on the river before we headed to Heinz Stadium for some pre-fireowrk fun. There were a whole bunch of food venues set up but we opted for the free ice cream. We walked around to see the field and saw that there was a little set up for throwing footballs and taking pictures behind a steelers uniform. Daniel wanted to throw footballs and I wanted to take pictures so we agreed that if I threw the football he would take a picture. I totally missed but did much better than I thought, I'm mostly glad I didn't tip over while I was in the throwing motion. Daniel hit the target on his second try though so I am glad he was there to represent. Then we took these great pictures.
I had to climb up the back a little ways to get my head in place-again I was glad I didn't come tumbling down, little things like climbing up on the calves of a football mannequin are a little harder these days.
After exploring the area we headed down to the water to see what was going on and figure out where we would sit for the firework show. Lots of boats were driving in and throwing their anchors to watch the show from the water. It was crazy how many boats were in the river by the end of the night.
We ended up by the Mr. Rogers Neighborhood statue and decided we would just stay there to watch the fireworks. I am glad we did, we had a front row view. It was deafening and times and you could really feel the impact of the finale, but it was a great show. We ended up walking back to the car with hoards of people, it wasn't too far and it was good to stretch out after sitting for so long.
It was a great weekend. It was fun to settle into our new place and enjoy the comfort of our own bed. We are mostly moved in and just need to organize everything a little bit. Baby girls room needs some furniture and we are looking for a few things to just make it feel a little bit more like home and keep us organized. We are definitely looking forward to moving back and getting ready for the next adventure. It is nice to miss Pittsburgh. It makes me realize how much I have really enjoyed the city and all the good things that are there for us.

Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)