Father's Day

Father's Day was just as special as Mother's Day. We really celebrated Daniel and his role as the father of our baby girl on Saturday since we would mostly be doing church and driving on Sunday. After he had spent the morning packing up and moving our life to a new apartment we took a little break and got ready for the day late in the afternoon. We wanted to go out to eat that night but had had a late lunch so we decided to put together the stroller and carseat before we left to eat. And by we I mean he put everything together while I watched, pretty much how every building project goes in our home. He did a great job figuring everything out and once he was finished he did a little test drive around baby girls room with the stroller. It was so cute. After that we got in the car and drove down to the Waterfront. We stopped at Costco since they were having a sale on their diapers. We decided there is no time like the present to start stocking up a little bit. Then we went to "Burgatory" a local restaurant. The wait was an hour and a half but we were in no rush so we went to a couple of stores and waited most of the time in a little park. We got back just in time for a little taster shake they were handing out. Caramel pretzel, it was delicious. Finally we got seated. Daniel had a delicious burger with pots roast and other good stuff on top. I also had a great burger with a fried egg and ham on top. Since the shakes looked so good we decided to split the "Salted Nutella Crunch" shake. It was perfect for Daniel since one of his favorite candy bars is the Crunch bar and we both love Nutella. It was divine. We were stuffed when we left but so satisfied. That night I gave him his Fathers Day present-the board book "Fluffy Kittens" so he could practice reading it before baby girl gets here. Overall it was a perfect night out on the town celebrating the man who is going to be a great dad.
Not to get gushy or anything but this time in our relationship has been one of the most fun and heartwarming transitions we have yet to go through. Watching Daniel prepare for fatherhood really melts my heart. I loved when he felt her kick for the first time, and every time after that. I love when he talks to her. I love that he is really concerned about my health and is always wanting to make sure I am okay and feeling well. I love how excited he gets when he talks about the future with our baby girl. In our new apartment as we were unpacking he said "I can't wait for the little girl next door to move in." It was just one of those things that made me love him so much more. I can't wait for that time either and I am so excited to share the roles and responsibilities of parenthood with such a great man.
Happy Fathers Day Daniel! I love you!
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)