In Other News

Sometimes blogging is hard because all I want to talk about right now is the little guy or gal that is growing every day and will soon make us proud parents. Other than that our lives are pretty routine around these parts. So maybe I will just do some random updates about what we do most of the time and well as odds and ends that are currently part of our lives.

-Daniel's top priority (besides family, meaning me and the babe) right now is going to school. He can be found on campus for classes throughout the week. When he is not in class or working on a group project he comes home to do his homework. Although since spring break he has been working part time at CERT. He is preparing for full time work this summer. So far it has been good and keeps him to a stricter schedule. Since he started he is not at home quite as much but he still makes it back to me when he can.

-I am watching Nash for 6 hours a week now. I go on Tuesday and Thursday. He is pretty cute and the shorter time slots have been nice. Most days are filled with a nap and playing with his toys. He is growing up a lot and I can't believe how little he was when I first started watching him. 

-Daniel is serving in the Elders Quorum Presidency in our ward at church. I work in the nursery. I think we are both ready and willing to get new callings whenever the Bishop is prompted, but we enjoy the work we are doing and are not anxious for more difficult or demanding callings :)

-We are constantly looking for a new home for next year. We would love to have a two bedroom apartment since our little one will join us at the start of next year so we have been looking high and low for something that might work a little better for our situation. We better move fast because we have to be out of here by the middle of June. 

-General conference weekend was wonderful. I love the words of the prophet and apostles. They are certainly inspired and inspiring. 

-One way I was inspired during conference was to use some of my time (which I have a lot of) to complete a value for personal progress. I haven't done some of them for 10 years so maybe it is time to give it another go?

-We get to go to the doctor tomorrow to see how the baby is doing. I am excited, it feels like it has been a long time. Also we get to find out the gender (hopefully) sometime between this appointment and next (I think). I am really nervous. And excited.

Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram= (pinterest=