12 Weeks

How far along: 12 Weeks!
Baby size: 2.5 inches, .5 oz (about the size of a large plum)
Weight gain: Not yet.
Maternity clothes: Nope
Sleep: I have had a hard time sleeping because of a bad cough I have had. I wake up around 4 or 5 a.m. every morning and cough for an hour. I have not however had a hard time sleeping in really late when I get back to sleep or taking extended naps. Exhaustion has been tough this first little while.
Gender: We don't officially know and might not know for a month or two but I think we both think it will be a boy. We will be absolutely thrilled either way.
Best moment this week: Reaching the safer zone of pregnancy and feeling like this is getting more and more real. 
Looking forward to: Telling our siblings, grandparents, and close friends/family. We are planning on telling them after our appointment on Tuesday so throughout the week we should be sharing the good news.
What I miss: Having energy, waking up at earlier hours in the day, not feeling weak/ like I need two naps each day, and eating anything and everything (I definitely have some aversions).
Movement: I don't know when this will start happening, I read that the baby is already doing flips but I can't feel a thing, I look forward to when I can though!
Food cravings: I crave pizza a lot, or at least it always sounds good. Hamburgers and fruit are also always good.
Aversions: Sweet potatoes are like a swear word in our house along with a lot of other veggies. Having too many sweets also makes me not feel so good, a little goes a long way. 
Nursery: I guess we will figure that out when we find a new apartment and the gender of our baby. We are still not sure if we will stick with a one bedroom apartment or move up to two. If it's a boy I am thinking blues and a nautical theme, or elephants, or whales, or a clock theme. If it is a girl I am kind of thinking rose garden with lots of cream colors and light brown and a touch of rose pink and light green. Who knows if these ideas will stick or come to pass at this stage of our life.
Miscellaneous: Daniel and I talk baby and baby names all the time. It is pretty fun to think of our little one. We both got books from the library this week about parenting in other countries from the perspective of one mother. Daniel read about the Tiger mom (Chinese-American) and I am reading about an American women raising her children in France. It has been fascinating
Some of the current favorite names for each gender are:
Boy: Wesley Garff Barrick, Branson Royal Barrick, Caden McLean Barrick, Carson McLean Barrick
Girl: Emerson Grace Barrick, Blakely (Ingalls, Hazel) Barrick, Kennedy Joanne Barrick, Brinley Hazel Barrick
We can't quite agree on a number one but at least we have a few ideas floating around. We will see if these last. 
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)