
Why do you blog and how has it affected your life?
My blog is my journal. I started it to write about our adventures of moving to Pittsburgh and because I wanted to have a platform where I could write the cool adventures Daniel and I have together. I have been a terrible journal keeper for our whole relationship and sometimes I look back at pictures we have taken and I remember the cool things we did that I had forgotten about. Since I am not the best photographer either I thought it would be good to start writing about some of our adventures. 
 What is your biggest fear? 
Honestly it is probably losing someone I love earlier than they should go. I have never been to a funeral and I am just so blessed to have wonderful family that I love and I just don't want to live without them.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
Hopefully Daniel will have settled into a job he loves. I want to move somewhere warm and maybe have a home. I hope we have created a life that we are happy with somewhere that is just our own. I hope to just have a beautiful life that Daniel and I have created together. 
What is your most awkward/embarrassing moment? 
I  don't really get embarrassed anymore I think. My traditional embarrassing moment was when I was in primary and I had to give the closing scripture and prayer. My brother was in the back to pick me up so he saw the whole ordeal which made it worse. I stumbled through the whole scripture which was a bad start. Then I started the prayer by saying "In the name of Jesus Christ" which is how you end a prayer and so then I had to start over. I was mortified. It was awful awful. 
If you could meet anyone, real or fictional, who would you choose? 
This is pretty tricky because I would like to meet a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons. Maybe someone kind of random that I would like to meet is Sharon Creech. She is an author of some children's literature and I just love her work. Her story lines are simple but profound and I think it would be cool to talk to her about some of my favorite books.
What is something you wonder about a lot?
I wonder a lot about what I believe and why I believe what I believe. I  also wonder about what other people believe and why other people believe what they believe. I wonder about how different beliefs might line up with truth. I think about truth a lot. I also think about consequences when we choose to believe things that do not match up with truth.
Where  do you find your greatest inspiration? 
I am inspired by my husband. Honestly he is the best guy around to just bounce ideas off and get a new point of view about different things. 
Tell us about a favorite memory from growing up.
I have tons of great memories growing up. I loved my childhood so much. Some of the best days were spent on the shores of Hebgen Lake. It was so fun to be out in nature and away from any distractions. Some of the best memories are being out on the boat, lounging on the dock, swimming in the lake, building campfires, going on four wheeler rides, and just doing whatever we wanted with family. 
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram= (pinterest=