San Antonio, TX

Our drive from AZ to TX took all day, and it didn't help that we lost two hours but after hours of driving through the huge state of TX we finally made it just in time to hold Addie while she slept and chat with Brandon and Megan for a little bit.
We did some classic stops the first day including the Alamo and the Riverwalk. The Alamo was really strange since it is located right in the center of the city with huge hotels, malls, and building all around it. I guess I kind of imagined that it would be on some open plains or something.
On Monday we went to Sea World. I think we got our moneys worth since we hit all the shows, went on all the rides, and saw pretty much everything there is to see. The shows were my favorite part. It is pretty amazing how they can train the animals to do some incredible things. I also went on my first hanging roller coaster ride which was fun but also made me really dizzy. We also we to lunch at Rudys a BBQ place. You just buy the meat by the pound and then build your own sandwich. The brisket was really tasty and the creamed corn was delicious!
We packed Sea World in so we were exhausted. The rest of the week was filled with just quality family bonding and Daniel playing with Addie during tummy time.
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram= (pinterest=