Pittsburgh, PA

Saturday morning we got up early and hit the road. We made it to Pittsburgh around noon. It was really strange to go through the Fort Pitt tunnel and then see the city and announce "We are home!"
After six weeks of traveling we made it. Here is a map that shows all the places we took pictures on our road trip. I think we also took pictures in OR and more places in CA but it is a pretty cool since it shows our route quite well.
Once we got to the city we went straight to the management company for our apartment and picked up our keys. Then it was the moment of truth, we were at the doorstep of our new apartment that would be ours for at least a year and we weren't sure what we would find on the other side. We walked in to a little entry way. To the left is a nice living room. We have a big dining room and a tiny kitchen. It is a one bedroom apartment so on the right is the bedroom and the bathroom. We also have a porch attached to our living room which is really big and nice. Thats about it. At first it just felt really big and since it is mostly hardwood floor and their was no furniture all the sound would bounce off the walls. Daniel was skeptical at first but I fell in love. The kitchen seemed brand new and it looked like we had new carpet in our bedroom. It also had way more storage space than I thought it would so I was really happy about that. I knew it just needed a little love and our furniture to feel more like home.
That week we made multiple trips to IKEA, Target, and Lowes so we could get a couple of things we needed like a dining room table, a dresser, some rugs, and a storage unit for kitchen stuff. Getting all of these pieces and unpacking our own stuff really made the apartment feel like home. Now we both love it and it is just perfect for the two of us.
Unpacking our cube was probably the most stressful part of moving in. We had so much help from family packing it up so I was really nervous about how we were going to be able to get everything unpacked. I have never felt like I needed the help of the ward more than I did the night we asked for help unpacking. I was just praying that someone would come help us because I knew it would be so much easier. Luckily we had two men from the ward come and it went so fast with their help. I was so thankful, it was just a huge blessing. I feel so thankful for the church and that it just immediately brings connections so we can find help when we need it and give help when others are in need. It is just a perfect system. 
We are happily settled in Pittsburgh and we are happy to be here. It is home for us now and I am glad we can feel like that about this new place.
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)