Moving out of #302

Last year around February we were a cute little engaged couple shopping for our first little home. After looking around at some stuff online a coworker of Daniels mentioned the apartment complex that he and his wife first lived in. We decided to check it out since he said he loved it. We went over to the apartment one morning and it was the perfect little one bedroom apartment. It was very comfortable and had everything a newly married couple could need; a small kitchen with a dishwasher connected to a nice little living room, around the corner was a washer and dryer and a little bathroom, and in the back a nice little bedroom with a closet with plenty of storage space. To top the whole experience off there was a great little balcony. We fell in love with it immediately and applied quickly for a spot. One night while in the Wilk we were studying when we both got the email of our apartment number and arrival date. We were so so excited that we decided to go check out our apartment that night. We were creeping around the complex and found where our apartment would be in the mix of the complex. We were just lucky enough that our balcony would be facing the mountains.
Our view in the morning.
We moved our stuff in the week before we got married so we were partially settled. When we got back from our honeymoon we settled in nicely before I got a job and we were both back to the grind. Over the year and two months we lived there it really became our little home. We loved living there and have lots of good memories of dinners at the bar, and evenings reading on the balcony. We were very spoiled with our first home because it was so well kept.
This past week has been moving week so we had to pack everything up and figure out how in the world it would fit in a little cube we would send across the country. Moving is hard and exhausting. I really have no desire to do it again anytime soon.
We were very lucky to have so much help so we could move all of that  and then some out of our small apartment. 
We also had lots of help cleaning our little apartment so we could leave it nice for whoever moves in next. 
It was kind of sad to move out of 302. Our first little home was a good little home. It has been hard to look for a new home to live in since really nothing compares, but we hope that our next home will again be comfortable for us.
We are now looking forward to our road trip as we make our way across the country. I guess it is officially goodbye to Provo and goodbye to #302.
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram= (pinterest=