Idaho Falls, ID Part 2

On the fourth of July we got up early and put on our Declaration of Independence flag tee shirts. 
We went to the Idaho Falls parade with my grandpa, mom, and Stephen. It was pretty lame compared to the Provo parade we had been to the year before but there were still a couple cool floats and a sweet old fire truck that Daniel really liked. We headed home when that was finished to a house filled with the sweet smell of ribs. Mmmm got to love 4th of July food. Daniel and Stephen went head to head in Ping-Pong out back. The Bodines and Jord and Liz arrived soon after and we decided that bowling on the 4th of July would be a great idea. So we went for our second round, which was pretty fun. That night we had a bigger than expected crowd of Harts and Blacks come over for a dinner of ribs, scones, fruit, baked beans, rhubarb crisp, and Texas sheet cake. It was delicious and a beautiful night. We headed over to the river for the best firework show west of the Mississippi. 
Friday morning we got up and walked around the river. We headed home and had ribs for lunch. We decided that a shaved ice would top off the delicious leftovers. After lunch we went out to the mall so that the women could get some bath and body works soap and lotion for the cabin. Daniel and I decided it was time to cash in on the shoes my mom promised us in a previous trip (my little brother loves shoes and has more pairs right now than Jordan and I have ever had in our whole lives, so my mom being the provider of his shoe obsession promised that she would get us some shoes too.) I saw some Nike Frees that I liked and Daniel found a pair of Pumas. Since neither store had our size we decided to order them online and send them to TX just to make sure we would be able to pick them up. Thanks mom! That night we went to dinner at the Olive Garden with the whole clan and went swimming in the hotel pool afterwards.
Saturday morning we had the annual pack everything up, get in a long line, and travel to Hebgen Lake together. It was so fun to be in Idaho Falls for a few days and to see so much family before we left. 
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram= (pinterest=