Hebgen Lake

Monday through Saturday we enjoyed the lake. I did some wake-surfing throughout the week, but I am becoming more of a wimp because sometimes I don’t want to get in because the water is so cold. Daniel and I both did a lot of reading over the week. I think we both really enjoy reading but haven’t had a whole lot of time to read for pleasure over the past few years (aka our college careers). It was nice to get in a couple good books. We took the jet-skis out for a ride and I am not as fearless as I use to be so I made Daniel take us on a nice calm ride. Later he took the jet ski out for himself so he could have more of a wild ride. We took a family four-wheeling ride with my parents and Stephen and Kallie. It was nice to have a relaxing ride in the beauty of the back trails. We also took a couple of bike rides down to the point and around the main roads. Of course we built fires and had s’mores and banana boats which were just too good.
My dad made up a road rally for us to complete. Over the past couple of years it had been tradition for my dad to take a four wheeler out and time himself on a trail and then come back and give us clues to where we need to go. Whoever gets closest to his time wins. It is great because it is definitely not about speed and if you take a wrong turn you still have a chance. This year we had to walk/run down the road, come back and bike to a certain place, come back and take a four-wheeler down some trails, and to finish we had to jump in the lake. Daniel and I did it together and although we had the slowest time we were closest to my dads so we took the victory!
Just a great picture of me eating breakfast by myself.
Another tradition of sorts is that every year we do something new at the cabin. Now these new things are often not planned and just happen one lazy day when we are bored and need something to do. We often refer to years at the cabin by these unique events. For example there was the year of the triathlon, or the year we swam across the lake, or the year where Michelle performed Fantasmic. Some of these new things hold like friendship bracelets, some things are a one time activity like making fleece blankets. Well this year was no different; this year will forever be known as the year of the trick shots. Stephen brought up his little tikes basketball hoop and ball thinking we could use it for something good. About two hours into the cabin time Dave and Stephen were already plotting all the trick shots that they would do. We spent hours shooting hoops, retrieving balls, and trying again. My trick shot was down the slide while Daniel decided he would do one off the Andrews roof and one juggling all three balls in. The other boys did everything from shooting balls off balconies, to underwater excursions. The video they put together is actually pretty cool and I can’t wait to see the finished product at the end of the summer!
So there you have it. Our week at Hebgen Lake was a dream and it was pretty hard to say goodbye, especially because it was the last time we saw the Hart family before heading for Pittsburgh. It was also hard because we said goodbye to Stephen who will soon leave to serve his mission in Detroit. 
Of course there were tears on the road out from the cabin but a whole adventure was still in store for us so we were off to our next destination-Spokane.
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)