We were adventurers before we knew it. This is one thing I know for sure.

Washington D.C.

If you were to ask me in my youth if I were adventurous, I probably would have said not really. In college I lived in Seattle one summer for a 3 month internship. It was probably the most adventurous thing I had done in my life up to that point.


Then I married Daniel and I thought we were two peas in a pod on the whole adventure thing. It sounded fun but let's stay close to home. In the middle of our first year of marriage we learned that Daniel had been accepted to Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh and we decided to go. Yes I was about to move to a huge city that was so different than anything I had ever experienced... it was going to be an adventure.

Dover, DE

We were young and didn't have any great responsibilities on our shoulders at the time so we thought it might be fun to take a six week road trip to the east coast, visiting places along the way that meant things to us. Of course when we talked about it I thought it was crazy and just something we would talk about but never do, but as the day of departure drew closer, we started making some more definite plans to make it happen. And so we made the journey from Provo, UT to Pittsburgh, PA. We went up through Idaho, Montana, over to Seattle, down the whole west coast through Arizona and Texas, up through Tennessee and finally making our way to Pittsburgh.

Williamsport, Pennsylvania

While we lived in Pittsburgh we loved to take weekend trips to places we had never been, often without a sure plan, just setting out to explore. When we moved to Maryland we continued our adventures. The summer we moved to Idaho we set out on 3 road trips across the United States and visited so many new places along the way.

 North Dakota

Now I feel like I could adventure anywhere with Daniel by my side (okay maybe not anywhere, but I am so much more open to the world). We especially love exploring the United States, there is so much to see and do. And we have goals to see all 50 states and visit all the National Parks. We also have a few places we want to travel internationally, and the list keeps growing.

Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

We love packing up the car and exploring. Adding Kennedy to the mix has only made it more fun. I hope our second baby is as much as a trooper as she is (I mean she spent over 100 hours in her car seat over the course of a month the summer we moved to Idaho, and was pretty good the whole time sans any electronic device, seriously).

Williamsburg, VA

So where will we explore next?
Mallory Hazel

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[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram= (pinterest=