Hike to the Hot Pockets

A week before we left we decided that we really needed to do something with the Barretts. I had been to some hot springs a while back and thought it could be fun to try it out again. My first experience was rushed since we headed out so late so this try would prove to be much better.
Since I hadn't been there for quite some time and the others had never been there we weren't really sure how long it would take to get down the canyon to the trailhead. After lots of curves we saw the sign and headed into a small crowded parking lot. I guess it was a good day to do the hike since lots of others had the same idea. We hiked along a river about two miles until we hit the hot springs. We tried to go a little farther on the trail because someone told us their was a waterfall but I got a little freaked out by a rattlesnake and made the group turn around. There was a waterfall right at the hot springs so that was good enough for me :)
Maddie repeatedly referred to the hot springs as hot pockets which was humorous. We started off by the waterfall which was fairly cold.
A guy told us that we needed to run over to a spot pretty close to the waterfall because it was so hot that you couldn't stay in it for more than a couple of seconds. It was kind of hard to believe because the water was pretty cold but we thought we should try it out at least. Maddie went around a rock where there wasn't much water and I just decided to go through the knee deep water to the location. Within three feet the water turned from fairly cold to scalding hot. It must have been humorous watching me run out of the water because it was burning my legs off. Once I got on dry land and considered the situation I could not believe how hot it got and how fast it got that hot. As to not look too foolish I invited everyone to try it out for themselves. Both Daniel and Maddie took the same route and had the same reaction. It was crazy!
Then we walked down the stream and tried out all the little hot pools that were there. It was so fun to just sit and chat and explore. Thank goodness for chacos. 
 After all of our explorations we decided to head back home.
We got back to the Barrett's and had delicious pulled pork sandwiches for dinner. Then we decided we were having too much fun so we got The Bourne Legacy and made some kettle corn.
It was a great weekend and a great last time to really hang out with Maddie and Andrew. We're secretly hoping they end up at Ohio State so we can come visit every once in a while.
Mallory Hazel

Perfecting Pizza

I think it is one of our goals in life.
Daniel and I love making pizza together, it has practically become a weekly tradition. Whenever anyone asks me what we like to do together I always tell them that we like to make pizza. Our love for pizza making started the same time our love for each other sparked. We made pizza on one of our first dates and haven't stopped since. For Daniels first birthday we spent together I got him a pizza stone because I wanted our pizza tradition to continue.
 We love going to pizza places and checking out the menu for inspiration. We also love turning recipes for other things into recipes for pizza.
Before we left we wanted to have one last pizza party with old roommates and a couple good friends. We made four pizzas and a Brigadeiro cake for dessert (another speciality). 

Mmm so delicious.
We loved getting together with everyone and catching up. It's strange to think that we don't know when we will see these folks again.
Mallory Hazel

Squaw Peak

Daniel wanted to get a good hike in before we leave. He had mentioned Squaw Peak multiple times and on Friday night he committed me to getting up to the trail at 8am Saturday morning. Daniel is an early bird, I am more of an early bird now than I ever have been but still not as much as him, so when I heard him rummaging around bright and early I was ready to cancel the trip. He jumped in bed around 7:30 and about as perky as a three year old at Christmastime and announced that it was time to get up and go. I was pretty grumpy about this announcement but my heart melted in his excitement and we got up and going.
We made it to the canyon by 8 and started up a rocky trail. As soon as the rock disappeared the hike became quite steep. It was nice to be out and nature and just talk about everything that is going on in the world today. Daniel had been on this trail before-but not for a while so he tried to let me know how much longer we had left. About a half mile from the top I started to get grumpy again. It was almost four miles up and I had no idea when we would make it to the end. Finally we reached the peak. It was absolutely beautiful as we looked over all of Utah Valley. My legs felt like jello as we stood on the peak and I thought I might get sick (I'm not much of a heights person plus I was totally exhausted). But it was totally worth the trip.
 Here I am sitting at the edge. It was great to get out into nature and take advantage of how close nature is to Provo before we head out.
Mallory Hazel

Weekend in Salt Lake City

Following graduation we headed back home to work for two days. We had plans to take a little trip to Salt Lake City to visit the grandparents. We left Friday after work and met them at the Cheesecake Factory in the City Creek Mall. After a delicious dinner, lots of great conversation, and of course a slice of cheesecake we headed to the Marriott hotel. Daniel and I wanted to head to the hot tub for a while. After we had enough we went back to the grandparents room and heard story after story of their early lives. We made a plan for Saturday and headed to bed.

Saturday morning we started our day right with a trip to Bruges for a delicious waffle breakfast. After getting our fill Daniel and I headed for the Salt Lake Temple. We had never done a session in this temple before and were excited to have the opportunity. It was beautiful. It was also fun to be there on a busy June Saturday-lots of brides and grooms. We met up with grams and gramps after and headed to Moochies for sandwiches. Daniel had the classic Philly Cheesesteak and I tried the Meatball Marinara. Both were so delicious. Then we went up to the University of Utah to see a couple sites. My Great Grandma Garff recently had her name put on an office in the new business school. We tried to get up to the office first but unfortunately the offices needed special permission to access on Saturdays. Oh well the building was really cool. After wandering we went up to the new Honors Dorms. 

 Overall it was fun to explore campus. Afterwards grandma took us to the neighborhood where she grew up and showed us her first house. We went back to the hotel for a power nap then went to dinner at Valters. It was a fancy Italian restaurant and boy was it tasty. Not only was the food delicious but the whole experience was a night to remember. After spending a few hours enjoying the food and company Daniel and I went to City Creek to walk around then off to the hot tub again.

Sunday morning we had church at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. We grabbed a quick bite to eat and then headed to my Great Grandma Garffs house. We really wanted to see her before we leave and it was perfect to spend a Sunday afternoon in her company. She told us stories and we updated her on our lives. We laughed a lot  and just enjoyed spending some quality time with this lovely lady. 
It was a great trip all around.
Mallory Hazel


On Tuesday June 4th we headed up to Idaho Falls for my youngest brothers High School Graduation. He graduated Magna Cum Laude and won the Male Athlete of the year award. He was a great student, athlete and peer and it was great to celebrate his accomplishments with him. 
He was happier that I had ever seen him. It was fun to share those moments with the whole family!
Now he is preparing for his next adventure-serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We can't wait to see where he will spend the next two years!
Mallory Hazel

Wedding Weekend

June 1st, 2013
This summer we have had a blast doing fun weekend adventures. This past weekend we got to head to Folsom, CA, home of Grandma and Grandpa Barrick to attend the wedding of Daniel's cousin Bethany. I had never met the Barrick side of the family (sad to say after two plus years) but this was an ideal opportunity since almost everyone was CA bound. We jumped in the car with Summer and Alex to make the 10 hour drive (mostly across the great state of Nevada). 
It was such a blast to meet everyone. 
(Cousin Table)
And the wedding was absolutely beautiful. I actually cried as the Father of the Bride jumped from the car and escorted his beautiful daughter down the aisle.
I am so glad we were able to make the trip and look forward to seeing everyone again in the future.
Mallory Hazel

Adventure is Out There

Daniel and Mallory Barrick.
We are just two youngsters who fell in love in April of 2011. We were married in April of 2012. In April or 2013 we both graduated from Brigham Young University in our respective fields and are now looking forward to the adventures ahead, especially to find what April 2014 will have in store for us. 
Here's to keeping a record of the adventures.

Mallory Hazel


We were adventurers before we knew it. This is one thing I know for sure.

Washington D.C.

If you were to ask me in my youth if I were adventurous, I probably would have said not really. In college I lived in Seattle one summer for a 3 month internship. It was probably the most adventurous thing I had done in my life up to that point.


Then I married Daniel and I thought we were two peas in a pod on the whole adventure thing. It sounded fun but let's stay close to home. In the middle of our first year of marriage we learned that Daniel had been accepted to Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh and we decided to go. Yes I was about to move to a huge city that was so different than anything I had ever experienced... it was going to be an adventure.

Dover, DE

We were young and didn't have any great responsibilities on our shoulders at the time so we thought it might be fun to take a six week road trip to the east coast, visiting places along the way that meant things to us. Of course when we talked about it I thought it was crazy and just something we would talk about but never do, but as the day of departure drew closer, we started making some more definite plans to make it happen. And so we made the journey from Provo, UT to Pittsburgh, PA. We went up through Idaho, Montana, over to Seattle, down the whole west coast through Arizona and Texas, up through Tennessee and finally making our way to Pittsburgh.

Williamsport, Pennsylvania

While we lived in Pittsburgh we loved to take weekend trips to places we had never been, often without a sure plan, just setting out to explore. When we moved to Maryland we continued our adventures. The summer we moved to Idaho we set out on 3 road trips across the United States and visited so many new places along the way.

 North Dakota

Now I feel like I could adventure anywhere with Daniel by my side (okay maybe not anywhere, but I am so much more open to the world). We especially love exploring the United States, there is so much to see and do. And we have goals to see all 50 states and visit all the National Parks. We also have a few places we want to travel internationally, and the list keeps growing.

Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

We love packing up the car and exploring. Adding Kennedy to the mix has only made it more fun. I hope our second baby is as much as a trooper as she is (I mean she spent over 100 hours in her car seat over the course of a month the summer we moved to Idaho, and was pretty good the whole time sans any electronic device, seriously).

Williamsburg, VA

So where will we explore next?
Mallory Hazel


Daniel and Mallory lived across the street from each other during Mallory's sophomore year and Daniel's junior year of college. On a variety of occasions we passed by each other but it was not until we were put in the same FHE group that our apartments really became friends. Around my 20th birthday I started to really notice this blonde boy named Daniel. He started to notice me as well. After a night of flirting I knew I wanted to date that boy. I guess he was on the same page. We went on our first date on March 8th, 2011 and were officially boyfriend/girlfriend on March 19th.
I left for a summer internship in Seattle at the end of April and we enjoyed getting to know each other even better during our 3 and a half months apart. By November I knew I wanted him to be the man in my life for the rest of my life and we were engaged at the top of the Zion Bank tower in downtown Salt Lake City overlooking the Christmas lights on Temple Square on December 9th, 2011.
Then for the best day of all April 28th, 2012. We were married on a beautiful spring morning in the Idaho Falls Temple. It was simply happy and joyful. The love we felt for each other was so strong and the love we felt from family and friends was also overwhelming. It was the perfect start of our new life together.
Our first year of marriage was spent finishing up our Bachelors Degrees at Brigham Young University. In April of 2013 we walked across the stage together and celebrated a huge accomplishment in our lives. That summer we took a long road trip through 18 states visiting family and friends. Our destination was our new home for 2 years in Pittsburgh, PA where Daniel would be completing his Masters Degree at CMU. In January of 2014 we were excited to find out that we would be welcoming a baby into our lives. Kennedy Joanne Barrick made her grand entrance in September of that year. She brought a lot of love, joy, and sleepless nights with her. In May of 2015 Daniel graduated from Carnegie Mellon and accepted a job in the Baltimore area.
So we packed up and moved to Maryland!
After two fun years in Maryland we began to feel like we needed to be closer to our family. In August 2017 Daniel got a new job offer in Idaho and just like that we packed up our lives and drove across the country to make Idaho our new home.
Mallory Hazel
[name=Mallory] [description=Hi! I'm Mallory. Wife to Daniel & Mother to Kennedy (plus one on the way). Welcome to our family blog. I love writing the story of us and sharing things that I am passionate about. Which currently includes meditation, healthy plant based eating, and pregnancy and always includes lots of family adventures, mothering cute toddlers and babies, and Disneyland. Thanks for joining us along the way.] (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/malloryhazelbarrick/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/malloryhazel/)